The Corporation of the Town of Moosonee Recreation Department is committed to providing a variety of recreation programs and services that are accessible to and respond to the needs and desires of all members of the community.
1. To enhance the quality of life for all residents of the Town of Moosonee through the provision of public recreation services.
2. To provide clean and safe recreation facilities for all members of the community.
3. To provide programs and services at reasonable rates to prevent financial barriers to participation.
Community Centre Bookings
Bookings are subject to change without Notice.
To make your booking contact the Moosonee Arena Office at (705) 336-2625
The Town of Moosonee Recreation Department offers a variety of facilities and services throughout the year. The recreation facilities include the Moosonee Community Centre, which houses the Arena, Curling Club, and Community Hall, the Recreation Centre, which houses the gymnasium. We have various parks located within Moosonee and they include the Waterfront, Ferguson Ball Park Area, Waska Circle Park, McCauley’s Hill.
Among the activities and services offered through the Town are:
- Skating
- Cross-country ski trails
- Curling, organized by a separate group
- Minor Hockey operated by Moosonee Minor Hockey Association
- Winter Carnival, organized by a separate group
- Gymnasium
- Soccer (Spring), operated by the Timmins Native Friendship Centre
- Gymnasium
- Summer Fun Day Camp (Summer), operated by the Town of Moosonee.
Community Hall: The Community Hall is the only facility of its kind in Moosonee. It serves every aspect of the community needs including families, businesses, youth programs, church groups and service clubs. The following is a list of uses for the Community Hall:
- Funerals – Families often request use of the hall for a gathering after funerals. There is no charge for this type of service.
- Dances – These are Special Occasion Permit or Non-Special Occasion Permit Function events.
- Meetings
- Training and Education Seminars
- Bingos
Arena: Many groups and organizations use the arena pad year round. The events that take place on the arena pad outside of the hockey season include:
- Wedding receptions and dances
- Monster Bingos
- Community feasts
- Live bands
The arena pad is utilized year round because there are no other facilities in town large enough to accommodate over 200 hundred.
The winter months are among the busiest. From October until March the ice is used by several groups. Among the many ice users are:
- Moosonee Minor Hockey
- Men’s Hockey
- Children’s, Youth, Adult and Senior’s Shinny
- Co-ed Broomball
- Various Hockey & Broomball Tournaments
Curling Club: The Moosonee Curling Club has three (3) sheets of ice and a lounge area that is rented for various functions. During the curling season the curling club is rented for bonspiels and recreational curling. The lounge is also rented year round for dances, meetings, dinners, and other activities.