If you wish to run as a candidate in the Town of Moosonee municipal election, you must file a nomination paper with the Clerk. The Nomination Package can be picked up starting May 2nd, 2022 at the Town Office during regular business hours, Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Important: You cannot fundraise or spend money on an election campaign until you have filed your nomination paper.
Candidate Guides
The Province of Ontario through the The Ministry of Municipal Affairs produces a Candidates’ Guide, which provides information on registering as a candidate, campaign rules, financial filing requirements, and more.
Eligibility – Mayor & Council
You are responsible for determining whether or not you are eligible to run for and hold a municipal office. The Town of Moosonee is not able to provide advice to those individuals who are proposing to run for office, and encourages all potential candidates to obtain a copy of and review the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (MEA) and consult with their own independent legal counsel for more information with respect to candidate eligibility, obligations and responsibilities.
You may run for municipal office if you are eligible to vote in the election and fulfill all of the following requirements:
- A Canadian citizen;
- At least 18 years old;
- A resident of the municipality, a non-resident owner or tenant of land in the municipality or the spouse of such non-resident owner or tenant;
- Is not legally prohibited from voting; and
- Is not disqualified by any legislation from holding municipal office.
You cannot be elected as a member of council, or hold office as a member of council if you are:
- A judge of any court;
- A member of the Provincial Legislature, the Federal House of Commons or Senate who has not resigned from their office by the close of nominations. Proof of resignation must be provided by the close of nominations or the Clerk will not certify the nomination;
- A candidate who failed to file the necessary financial statement or exceeded the prescribed spending limit in the last municipal election or by-election.
Town of Moosonee employees who wish to run for Mayor or Councillor must take an unpaid leave of absence before filing a nomination paper and provide a copy of the documentation showing that they have taken the leave of absence and the effective date.
Eligibility – School Board Trustee
You may run for school board trustee if you are eligible to vote in the election and fulfill all of the following requirements:
- A Canadian citizen;
- At least 18 years of age;
- A resident within the district school board’s area of jurisdiction and qualified to vote for members of that district school board;
- In the case of the District School Board Ontario, a public school elector;
- In the case of the Northeastern Catholic District School Board, a separate school elector;
Candidates can only qualify for one district school board seat. Candidates for the office of Trustee, cannot change their school support after Nomination Day.
You cannot be elected as a school board trustee or hold office on any school board if you are:
- A clerk, treasurer, deputy-clerk or deputy-treasurer of any municipality within the area of jurisdiction of the school board except those on an unpaid leave of absence;
- A member of the Provincial Legislature, the Federal House of Commons or Senate who has not resigned from their office by the close of nominations. Proof of resignation must be provided by the close of nominations or the Clerk will not certify the nomination;
- A candidate who failed to file the necessary financial statement or exceeded the prescribed spending limit in the last municipal election or by-election.
School Board Employees (including supply teachers) must on or take a leave of absence before filing their nomination paper and provide a copy of the documentation showing that they have taken the leave of absence and the effective date.
Filing a Nomination
Nominations for Municipal and School Board Election opens May 2nd, 2022. Nominations must be filed in person at the Town Office with the Clerk of the Town of Moosonee.
To file a nomination, you must provide:
- Nomination Paper (Form 1)
- Current acceptable identification (available in the 2022 Candidate Guide provided by the Province of Ontario)
- A nomination filing fee (paid by by cash, debit, certified cheque or money order payable to the “Town of Moosonee”). The filing fee is $200 for Mayor and $100 for Councillors and School Board Trustees.
A nomination must be signed by the candidate and may be filed in person or by an agent during regular business hours between May 2nd and August 19, 2022 (Nomination Day) before 2:00 p.m. Only documents with original signatures will be accepted. A nomination fee must also be paid at this time and can only be made by cash, debit, certified cheque or money order payable to the “Town of Moosonee”.
Note: If an agent is filing the nomination paper on behalf of a candidate, they must provide the above documents and personal identification.
Withdrawing a Nomination
If you no longer wish to run in a municipal election, you must file a Withdrawal of Nomination form in person before the end of the nomination period on August 19th, 2022 before 2:00 p.m. You cannot withdraw after the nomination period has closed and you are still required to file a financial statement for refund of your nomination filing fee.
Campaign Period
Your campaign period can begin on the day on which you file your nomination. The earliest date possible is May 2nd, 2022 or the start of the nomination period. Your campaign period ends December 31st, 2022 or on the date your nomination is withdrawn or on August 19th, 2022 (Nomination Day) if your nomination is rejected.
Those who have campaigned for municipal and school board office are required to file a complete and accurate Campaign Financial Statement (Form 4) as required under the MEA by March 31st, 2023. If your campaign will have a deficit as of the election campaign end-date, you may request an extension of the campaign period by submitting a Notice of Extension of Campaign Period (Form 6) with the City Clerk on or before December 31st, 2022.
Expenses and Financial Statements
Now that you have filed your Nomination Papers and they have been certified by the Clerk, you are officially able to begin campaigning for office and incurring campaign expenses. If you plan to incur expenses or accept contributions, you must open a separate bank for your campaign and plan on submitting a Campaign Financial Statement (Form 4). You are responsible for keeping records of the financial activities related to your campaign.
Please refer to the MEA, the 2022 Candidates’ Guide prepared by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (available in early 2022) or consult with you own independent legal counsel with respect to your obligations as a candidate under the sections relating to campaign expenses and contributions.
Moosonee Election 2022
Moosonee 2022 municipal election is taking place on October 24, 2022. The Clerk’s Department is responsible for the coordination and management of the Municipal Elections. In accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, every four years the Town Clerk as Returning Officer, conducts elections for the offices of: Mayor, Councillors, and trustees on the School Boards.
Certified Candidates List 2022
Key Dates
Nomination period begins May 02nd, 2022
Nomination Day – last day to submit or withdraw a nomination is August 19th, 2022, by 2:00 p.m.
Nominations are certified on August 22, 2022, by 4:00 p.m.
Voting Day – October 24, 2022
Deadline for candidates to file financial statements is March 31st, 2023
Am I Eligible to Vote?
If you meet all of the following conditions, you are eligible to vote in the 2022 municipal election:
- a Canadian citizen
- at least 18 years old
- a resident in the Town of Moosonee
- a non-resident of Moosonee and you or your spouse own or rent property in the town
- not otherwise prohibited under the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 or by law
You can only vote once in the municipal election.
Voter’s List
The Voters’ List contains the names of all people eligible to vote in the 2022 municipal election. The list is provided to the Town of Moosonee by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC).
IMPORTANT: If you have moved since the last municipal election in 2018, you will need to update your address with MPAC. Visit mpac.ca under “Making Changes and Updates.” You can also verify your information on voterlookup.ca. This secure database can be used by Ontario residents to enter their name and the names of other household members to confirm or update your information. It is a quick way to ensure your information is up-to-date and is one method MPAC uses to collect your information.
Ways to Vote
Vote at the polling station: You can vote in person at the polling station.
You will need show one piece of identification that has your correct name and address in order to receive one ballot. You will need to show a valid Ontario driver’s licence, Ontario health card, or any other acceptable form of identification listed here.
Voting by proxy: If you are unable to vote on Election Day, you can select someone to vote on your behalf (a proxy). This person must be eligible to vote within the Town of Moosonee.
Who is Running
The Municipal 2022 Election will elect candidates to the positions of:
School Board Trustees
A full list of certified candidates will be posted to this page after nominations are certified on August 22, 2022.